We know we’ve been gone for a while but we’ve been busy! This summer we held our very first film series in partnership with the East Side Freedom Library. Focusing on housing and labor rights we showed three documentaries, Sold Out, Jim Crow in the North, and Detroit 48202. We finished off the film series with a community conversation where we had Jennifer Ho, the Minnesota Housing and Financing Agency Commissioner, and Kristin Guild, the Deputy Director of St.Paul’s Planning and Economic Development Department, speak. Overall, the film series was a huge success and we had as many as 140 people come to our films! If you missed out don’t worry because there are more events on the horizon. We also brought the DBNHS scattered sites to market and they are just a taste of what’s to come. We are excited to announce that we are joining with our partners in hosting a housing summit this fall. As always we are committed to serving you and the community through our work!