2019 was a big year for ABC Realty. From the construction and sale of our FRED homes to the launch of our Close the Gap campaign, we have had an eventful year. We’d like to take some time to look back at all that has been achieved. Early in 2019 ABC Realty and DBNHS partnered to construct six scattered site homes. These split entry homes were built all over the East Side keeping affordability in mind. Perhaps the biggest shift we made this year was the launch of our Close the Gap campaign. Our Close the Gap campaign seeks to close the racial housing gap between White-Minnesotans and Minnesotans of Colour. We have partnered with various groups to put on a film series, hold community conversations, and much more. In 2020 we seek to expand our campaign and continue selling affordable houses! Keep an eye out for phase 3 of Village on Rivoli this upcoming summer.