Hello and Happy Indigenous People’s day! Today is the day we celebrate the original inhabitants of this land we call the United States of America. For those who do not know what Indigenous People’s day is, this day, October 14th, formally hosted Colombus day. For years there was upheaval over the celebration of an individual that led to the death of millions of indigenous persons. In 2016 Minneapolis became the first city in Minnesota to celebrate Indigenous People’s Day. Two years later Governor Dayton issued a statewide recognition of Indigenous People’s Day.

This Year ABC Realty attended the Saint Paul celebration at Indian Mounds Park.  Indian Mounds Park is a sacred burial ground for the ancestors of the Dakota people who inhabit Minnesota. During Saint Paul’s expansion a sacred site, known a Wakan Tepee, was demolished. Wakan Tepee was a cave that contained ancient pictographs and an underground lake. Most of the burial mounds were also dug up to make the current park. Although the Indigenous Peoples faced dire situations at the hands of settlers they are still here today.


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